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Кубито централ. Щитпосты/архив/whatever the fuck else, работаю по желанию левой пятки. I miss Technoblade. 🐷👑
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Твой Майнкрафт ютубер дня: 양띵 (Yang-dding)
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And welcome to the slides everywhere day
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"Which deck is this"? MINE. MY DECK (c) /примерное
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ну вы там это мое имя только не забывайте пожалуйста
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солор рисует
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Fighting Radahn without the boys is a bit sad but hey. Diverse routine
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Инфолд подарили наружное освещение
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He has been avoiding her premises for many a run. NOT ANYMORE
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"genuinely don't know how we're gonna do against Malenia" this is gonna be a loooong stream when we get to her /silly
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Almost the full stack of bosses indeed
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Помогите Пиксу-путешественнику найти дверь /j
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Somewhere, a heavy door has opened. Could it be HEEEERE? (c)
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Almost the full stack of bosses indeed
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"It gives you certain freedom. You can complete the game in a variety of different configurations." /непрям цит
Yeah the motivation is clear both for you and for the character, giggling
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I love it when the story is not told in a traditional way, actually. Most of my faves are like that
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Обычно она мертва уже полтора стрима