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Пятничный мем — Привет. — Привет. — Как там ваши дела с Кристиной? Еще не поженились? — Нет, мы расстались. — А что случилось? — Мне надоело, у нее были слишком большие запросы. — Например какие? — Ну например update instance inner join (select groupid as group_id, (select messageid from message inner join thread on threadid = message.thread_id where location_id = location_id and language_id = language_id and concat(group_key, '.') like concat(group.key, '.%') order by message.created desc limit 1) as last_message_id, (select count(*) from thread where location_id = location_id and language_id = language_id and concat(group_key, '.') like concat(group.key, '.%')) as thread_count, (select if(sum(thread.message_count) is null, 0, sum(thread.message_count)) from thread where location_id = location_id and language_id = language_id and concat(group_key, '.') like concat(group.key, '.%')) as message_count from group where group_key like concat(key, '.%')) as statistics on statistics.group_id = instance.group_id set instance.message_id = statistics.last_message_id, instance.thread_count = statistics.thread_count, instance.message_count = statistics.message_count where instance.location_id = location_id and instance.language_id = language_id; Статистика и R #SQL #stat_fun
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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