Professor Dr.Aylin Göztaş from Turkey. Ege University
Our subject was The Assessment of Speaking Skills. As our department (foreign languages and literature) leads us to be teachers down the line, she provided us with a lot of new things, valuable insights and techniques in order to communicate with our students effectively, conduct meaningful lessons, assess them properly, so overall how to be a good teacher 👩🏫. And shared some stories from her 35 years of teaching experience. As I consider myself as someone who is quite receptive and who seeks new opportunities, knowledge to learn and novelty in life, i was really willing to listen to her lectures and embrace new things to put in action. And the lecture was not only informative but also engaging, which in my opinion, can be very beneficial in our future career, as i am a young educator now who is trying her best in order to be the best version of herself 💗
It was 3 years ago when i took ielts exam first, when i was 10th grade and i got 6.5. As i remember, it was almost like a self-study, because my teacher was not strict enough, didn’t sacrifice much time for us. My preparation at that time was completely different from my journey at Ad Astra. I am a person who always sets big goals, high standards for myself. I wasn’t satisfied with 6.5 which seemed like a real shame for me. Because at those times at school, i was in the first place in my school in terms of english skills, not only in school competitions, but also in the city’s and region’s , i used to always secure the top position. So 6.5 was kinda embarassment for me. But i had to enter the university so i didn’t have time to prepare again. And as you see now, after 3 years, my limitless love and interest in english urged me to upgrade my ielts skills and to come Ad Astra which was heard as the best ielts centre in our city. After coming here, i made sure that it is truly the best😇 My dedication and continuous efforts paid off, and with the invaluable support and assistance of my teachers, I achieved my goal ❤️
Age: 19 Attempt: 1 Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 5 months. Teachers:Alisher&Mukhammadali
She's quite perceptive and insanely ambitious. If I had half her ambition, I'd already be a president. She doesn't just talk the talk. She knows how to walk the walk, and that is what I admire about her⚡️⚡️
We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.
Hey guys, It’s Dilbar. We , with Miss Shakhnoza , decided to run this channel together 🤗 We used to be groupmates in FS#3 group before joining the Ad Astra team. Actually I have never thought that we will be such close friends initially, but time changes everything and as you see now, we’re best friends 🫂
You need to believe that you can achieve your goal, otherwise pessimism will win and you’ll give up.
However, there is a big difference between blind hope (I’ll be fine and I don’t need to do anything to achieve my goal) and real hope (everything will be ok because it is within my power to achieve my goal).
The main difference between blind and real hope is action.
However, in order to stay hopeful, and keep taking action, you need to have the right mindset.
Here are 3 things you can do to stay more hopeful:
1. Practice gratitude. If you aren’t happy with what you have now, you won’t be happy when you reach your goal in the future. Even if it is with the little things in life. What’s the point if you’re never happy with what you have?
2. Use mistakes and setbacks as opportunities to get better. Every one of them is a chance to improve.
3. Stay away from negative people and events. Cut them out completely. They’ll drag you down along with them.
Age: 19 Attempt: 2 (1st try: 7.0) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 5 months. Teachers:Alisher&Mukhammadali
I don't wanna sound cheesy, but she's just AWESOME😎. Her composed nature combined with her constant pursuit of excellence are just a few of her stellar qualities. I'm also excited to be welcoming her to our Ad Astra team⚡️
We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers.
It was back in 2021 when I got 7.0. Honestly, I wasn’t satisfied with my results. But as my teacher says “we get what we deserve” maybe, in 2021, my level was not that high. But at that time I was more than sure that I would come back and retake this exam because I knew that I deserved a higher score. And starting from September, I started attending English courses at Ad Astra. My teachers helped me so much, and I'm really grateful for every single contribution they made. Also, I want to talk about my group FS3! In the beginning, I thought that it would be hard for me to get along with them, but after a couple of days, we became so close with the girls.. Dilbar, Diyora, Aziza—to name just a few. I’m so grateful to them. They always used to push me when I was thinking about negative scenarios (as usual 😂) And I already miss those old days!
After about 8 hours, I will find out my results. And honestly, I don’t want to experience those negative feelings I had felt back in 2021 when I got my 7.0. I really hope that I will get my desired score.