A country contributing to
💥 of our
WWF International statement on “undesirable” characterisation in Russia
Greenpeace: Environmental protection is ‘undesirable’ in Russia
Perhaps more than any other Arctic country, Russia has much to gain from climate trends in the Arctic
Russia is a very poor performer (“F”) under the VACI, on par with Brazil and Iran. The country has a high animal slaughter rate, large consumption of animal products and inadequate legislative protection of farmed animals
Roughly 20,000 reindeer have been poached in Russia since August 2016
30 Greenpeace activists charged with piracy in Russia
Arctic 30 jailed in Russia argue their case in European Court
Us vs Them: Sadism and Animal Abuse in Russian Army
Russia’s forest sector has become deeply criminalized.
https://perma.cc/27MJ-4RRR https://perma.cc/7CJT-CCYR
The Government of Russia is urged to formally recognise animals as sentient in legislation, given the scientific evidence which has proven that all vertebrates, cephalopods and decapod crustaceans are sentient. Furthermore, the Government of Russia is strongly encouraged to expand the scope of application of Federal Law No. 498-ФЗ to all animals. The Government of Russia is urged to ban the confinement of farm animals – for instance, in sow stalls and farrowing crates for pigs, and in cages for egg-laying hens – and the Government is urged to mandate the humane slaughter of all farm animals, with stunning prior to slaughter. The Government of Russia is furthermore urged to ban fur farming, which is inherently cruel, causing pain and distress to animals. The Government of Russia is urged to outlaw forms of entertainment which cause animal suffering, such as the use of captive marine mammals in shows for the public.