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Vovo Earning System Update We are excited to announce that the VOVO earning system has changed effective today. VOVO earnings will now depend on the amount of VOVO you stake in PoolVo; the more you stake, the faster you earn. Here are the earning rates based on your stake in PoolVo: 250,000 VOVO: Speed 0.5759 500,000 VOVO: Speed 0.8639 1,000,000 VOVO: Speed 1.1519 1,500,000 VOVO: Speed 1.4399 2,000,000 VOVO: Speed 1.7279 2,500,000 VOVO: Speed 2.0159 3,000,000 VOVO: Speed 2.3038 5,000,000 VOVO: Speed 2.5918 7,500,000 VOVO: Speed 2.8798 By staking in PoolVo, not only do you maximize your VOVO earnings, but you also receive double rewards—VOVO earnings and additional rewards from PoolVo. This means greater benefits and more opportunities for everyone! Don’t miss out on these enhanced rewards. Stake more in PoolVo today and make the most of your VOVO experience! Thank you for your support, and let's continue our journey together!
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