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The CEO of JSC "UzAuto Motors" and "UzAuto Motors Powertrain," Bo Andersson, is concluding his tenure The renowned specialist in the international automotive industry, Bo Andersson, is concluding his tenure as the CEO of JSC “UzAuto Motors” and JSC “UzAuto Motors Powertrain”, a position he has held for the past three years. A ceremonial event was held to honor Mr. Anderson's contributions to the development of Uzbekistan's automotive industry. It was highlighted that under his leadership, production figures had significantly increased. At the JSC "UzAuto Motors" plants in Andijan and Khorezm regions, there was a notable growth in passenger car production, improved product quality, and the expansion of the vehicle model range. detailed... @uzautomotors
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Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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