📣 Glad tidings!
🍂 The official publication of UTELSSA is thrilled to unveil its second autumn issues' call for submissions, celebrating all the genres fit within the framework of the Victorian and Neo-Victorian literature.
🎩This issue aims to encapsulate the essence of the age of industrialization, when realistic portrayals of a society so heavily critiqued are pioneered. A society steeped in superficial morality, eventually descending to decadence.
We invite submissions from authors of all styles—be it poetry, short stories, translations, or essays—that revive the spirit of this remarkable era.
Kindly send your submissions for consideration to inklingssubmissions@gmail.com by Aban15th [extended to Aban 25th]. But do check out our
newest guidelines before doing that.
We look forward to reading your literary pieces!
Happy writing!