UK Truckers Convoy For Freedom 🇬🇧

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UK Truckers Convoy For Freedom 🇬🇧 #UKFreedomConvoy
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the United Kingdom’s involvement in a terrorist attack on Sevastopol

💬 The Russian Foreign Ministry, together with other competent Russian authorities, is working on practical steps in connection with the involvement of British specialists in the preparation of a terrorist attack in the Black Sea on October 29 and training of the Ukrainian military, as the Russian Defence Ministry has announced.

At the same time, the Russian military reported that they have information on the involvement of the British security services in a series of explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Russia has repeatedly called for a joint investigation into these attacks. Relevant proposals were sent to the governments of Denmark, Sweden and Germany. The fact that the Western countries declined this proposal confirms that they have something to hide.

❗️ Now we understand what they are hiding.
Forwarded from Faiez Kirsten
Sunak's Track Record Is Appalling. As Dr Vernon Coleman explains, Sunak is a committed globalist. His wife is an Indian national and multi-millionaire. His father-in-law’s company Infosys has close links to Schwab’s World Economic Forum. While Sunak himself is a former employee of Goldman Sachs
Dr Vernon Coleman – The White Rose Oct 27, 2022
Back in July I wrote that if the appalling Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister we would be lost forever. I wrote that I believed Britain would be sucked into the Great Reset at terrifying speed. And I said that Sunak was the deadliest and most dangerous of the motley crew contending for the leadership of the Tory Party and, therefore, the nation.
Now Sunak is Prime Minister – though he received the support of only half of Conservative MPs, he was not the favoured candidate of the Conservative Party members and he was not elected to the position by the British electorate. How the hell did that happen? Do you think I’m being paranoid to suspect that it was all fixed for the Goldman Sachs/WEF candidate to win?
Sunak’s track record is appalling. He said he wouldn’t put up taxes. And then he put up taxes. He wasted £11 billion of taxpayers’ money by paying too much interest on the UK’s debt. He said he hadn’t broken any lockdown laws. But he was fined by the police for breaking lockdown laws. The police said that those breaking lockdown laws were risking a criminal record. Does that mean our new Prime Minister is a criminal?
Politicians used to be lawyers because lawyers used to be the most ruthless liars in any society. Today, many politicians were bankers. Could that possibly be because bankers are more ruthless and bigger liars?
Sunak stuck by Johnson through months of chaos and appalling behaviour. He only jumped ship when it became inevitable that Johnson would have to go. He resigned to save his own skin. Within hours Sunak was being promoted with a flashy video.
Sunak, who was head boy at school, is a former employee of Goldman Sachs – ‘the vampire squid wrapped round the face of humanity’ and in my view the most corrupt, evil bank in world history. Check out its record. And then check out how many other public figures used to work there. Goldman Sachs alumni sometimes seem to control the world.
Sunak had a green card while living in Downing Street – and the green card declared him a permanent resident of the United States. Sunak’s wife minimized paying UK taxes.
The company to which Sunak is linked continued trading with Russia when other companies were forced to abandon their relationships.
And as I revealed last July, Sunak’s father-in-law’s company Infosys has close links to Schwab’s World Economic Forum. Infosys is described as a global leader in next generation digital services – ‘enabling clients in 46 countries to navigate their digital transformation’.
That’s social credit to you and me.
We might as well have Klaus Schwab of the WEF as Prime Minister. At least then we wouldn’t have to put up with that ever-present and unconvincing dental display. We’ve got a Prime Minister who has the inane manufactured grin of the runner up in a bad reality show
Sunak will run Britain deep into the Great Reset – taking our hopes and our humanity with him.
Only God can help us now.
Forwarded from Keep It Cash (Debbie Hicks)
Another reason why you must use cash….

“Motorists will incur a 'hold charge', which will automatically place a temporary charge of up to £100 on customers' payment cards once they present their card. The move is said to ensure people have the funds they need to make their purchase.

Once retailers have taken payment for fuel purchased, any unspent funds will be released.”
Media is too big
This is all footage from the convoy that the media could have shown Canadians, but didn't.

They omitted scenes like this from their coverage because they were being paid to vilify and denounce it.

This coverage was brought to you by people who were actually there, and that is why they know the media is a whore and she is selling fear and lies.
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🇮🇹Italian farmers rise up and block the road that leads from Rome to Naples. This after yet another attempted suicide by a colleague whose company ended up at auction due to the accumulated debts for the forcible culling of the entire cattle: "Now it will be chaos!"
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The UK Online Safety Bill Attacks Free Speech and Encryption

Subjective Standards for Censorship 

"If the Online Safety Bill passes, the UK government will be able to directly silence user speech, and even imprison those who publish messages that it doesn’t like. The bill empowers the UK’s Office of Communications (OFCOM) to levy heavy fines or even block access to sites that offend people. We said last year that those powers raise serious concerns about freedom of expression. Since then, the bill has been amended, and it’s gotten worse. 

Section 10 of the revised bill even authorizes jail time—up to two years—for anyone whose social media message could cause “psychological harm amounting to at least serious distress.”  The message doesn’t even have to cause harm. If the authorities believe that the the offender intended to cause harm, and that there was a substantial risk of harm, that’s enough for a prosecution. There’s also a separate crime of transmitting “false communications,” punishable by fines or up to 51 weeks of imprisonment.  

The problem here should be obvious: these are utterly subjective criteria. People disagree all the time about what constitutes a false statement. Determining what statements have a “real and substantial risk” of causing psychological harm is the epitome of a subjective question, as is who might have a “reasonable excuse” for making such a statement. The apparent lack of legal certainty casts doubt on whether the UK's Online Safety Act meets international human rights standards.

The few exceptions in the section appear to be grants to large media concerns. For instance, recognized news publishers are exempt from the section on communications offenses. So is anyone “showing a film made for cinema to members of the public.” 

The exceptions are telling. The UK’s new proposed censors at OFCOM are making it clear they’ll never enforce against corporate media concerns; it’s only small media creators, activists, citizen journalists, and everyday users who will be subject to the extra scrutiny and accompanying punishments."
Rights by Light: German Health Minister Reveals Totalitarian COVID App Proposal

Harking back to policies of 80 years ago, Germany plans to use an app to track and color code citizens, according to their Covid status - and restrict their rights accordingly.

Masks are back too, even if you’ve been vaxxed 3 or 4 times.

A similar app - unsurprisingly - exists in China. Green allows free movement, and red and orange mean isolation for two weeks.

Get vaxxed - Get tracked!
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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Serbian Farmers Revolt Against the State and Block Roads Leading to Government Offices

The Great Resistance is becoming a global movement, and farmers, truckers, and blue-collar workers have established themselves as the frontline against bureaucratic betrayal.


Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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Forwarded from Dolores Cahill
Honoured to participate in Willem Engel's Science Summit Uncensored on 6th and 7th August 2022 in Amsterdam, including insights on Agenda 21/30
Please share for the People’s Food & Farming Alliance! Please share in all relevant groups! We must all get behind this! ❤️👊❤️
UK - Your Government has ‘partnered’ with the WEF to plan your future. This is not a conspiracy, it’s an Agenda. One you have not voted for.

It’s time to put it to the public.
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A logical conclusion to shutting down direct debits and get better control over spending

Only some shops are refusing cash

Time to name, shame and boycott
Please share for the People’s Food & Farming Alliance! Please share in all relevant groups! We must all get behind this! ❤️👊❤️