🌟 Tiny Verse - is a new game from Major, which was also promoted by Pavel Durov in his social network. networks.
⭐️ The game is rapidly gaining hype, over 3 million users have already been in 2 days.
What should I do in the game?
🟠 Create your own galaxy.
🟠 Collect stardust and increase the number of stars in your galaxy.
📱 The game has just been released, so you should not judge it at first glance.
🟠 Today, new features have been added, such as auto assembly and boosts to increase the farming of stars.
🦕 Civilizations and races will soon appear in the game.
Perhaps it will be space battles and clan wars.
💫 By the way, it is already possible to capture galaxies that no one has occupied yet.
💥 While Telegram is improving its platform, developers are being given more and more opportunities to create multifunctional games. Let's see what Roxman creates.
👉 Join the game before it's too late.
Perhaps it will be a new gem, otherwise why would Durov so often promote a mini app from Major.
You can leave your thoughts in the comments below the post.
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