Tonstakers November Summary
📈 TVL increased to
46M TON (+9%)
👤 We now have
89K stakers (+15%)
❗ 67% of all TON in liquid staking are staked in Tonstakers
Highlights of the Month:
🔵 tsTON can now be used to
pay transaction fees
🔵 We hosted the Community Bot campaign with a
$10,000 prize pool
🔵 Together with Tonkeeper, we raffled 100 Battery refills for
Black Friday
🔵 We prepared a material exploring the potential of
wrapped tgBTC
👥 Plus, Tonstakers became the first DeFi protocol available for maximizing rewards in
EVAA Earn.
Now, we’re getting ready for the New Year and the news December will bring us
🤩 Our links:
Community | MiniApp |
Guide |
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