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📝 A lantern in one hand, a bright, fierce heart in the other, one willing to face the storm coming ferociously for you. We celebrate to humbly curl into your most harrowing corners, with nothing but a garland of grace. Kindly give the @ & monthversarry date 👤 @HaePostles, 2! 🐾 👤 @TheRubySeth, 24! 👤 @Sacrefity 10 👤 @TheWilsdorf 4! 👤 @BoysPIanet 27 👤 @TheCarnelian 23 👤 @LadyLures 9 👤 @Trailmaze 2 👤 @Legendarial 10 ♥️ 👤 @Acronychaal @AcronychalRobot 2 👤 @Sequerets + 05. 👤 @PUTlHABUABU, 08. 🎒 👤 @RingTheBelI + @TheBell_Robot 3. 👤 @retrovilles @retrovillesbot, 4 👤 @TheJackDaniels 14 👤 @Dreamnate 28 <3 👤 @socerities 24 👤 @Quenssera 29. 👤 @DecencyOfOlympus 10 👤 @MetGals 25 👤 @Lunerium + @LuneriumBot, 02! 👤 @TheRevanche 9 👤 @Cyrogue, 19 👤 @ChineseYouths, 11. 👤 @ngabunce 24 👤 @schobose @schobosebot, 06 🖤 👤 @OdeToYouths @OdeToYouthBot, 06 👤 @Ilvermornny + 12 👤 @teenamixx, 1! 💖 👤 @altergomino 21! ♥️ 👤 @Convigour 7 👤 @sevenhypen 18 👤 @CamelotPosy, 20! 🌷 👤 @MonsKilla 20 👤 @Vandervict 20 👤 @Aescrime 27 ♥️ 👤 @SJofficiall @SUJUNIORBOT 28 💙 👤 @monroestape 20 👤 @HybeMic 22. 👤 @Demars5v 1 👤 @Jiternity 28 👤 @TreasurMembers 16! 👤 @PorscheNeo x @NeoPorschebot 20! 🚘 👤 @VlCTORIASSECRET @VlCTORIASBOT 26 👤 @bruvvers 28 👤 @MetGals 25! 👤 @RhythmOfWeeknd 2 👤 @weareso 02 👤 @Promiseden, 13 👤 @YounjungDomiciles + 4 🤍 👥 50 people of 50 have voted so far. 📖 Anonymous Board
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Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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