The Heart Beat of Melbourne

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All welcome, photographers, live footage recording history in Melbourne. This page is dedicated to all, especially for those who attend every week without fail and those who attended previously, we are all waiting to reunite again, to speak the truth.
Melbourne Rally 22 June 2024
Parliment Steps.
Every Saturday 12pm.
Everyone welcome.
Grassroots Melbourne Rally,
Parliment Steps.
Every Saturday at 12pm
The above images are from 2 years ago. The people who gathered every Saturday at Parliment Steps in Melbourne and continue to do so, to raise awareness for all, because Everyone Matters, we walk for All and we walk as One United.
A special Thank you to the People for never giving up on the people.
Every News Outlet never reported the truth on the Saturday Rallies and why the People walked every Saturday, nor did they ever support Julian Assange. The people never gave up, we don't leave anyone behind, we walk as One, we are all One, everyone with the same heartbeat, beating as One.
Nobody is above anyone else, you walk in your own power and you Lead as a Leader.
Melbourne Rally

Photograph courtesy of Daniel.
Join us
Melbourne Rally

An amazing woman who has continued her fight and raise awareness every week to bring Assange home.

Photograph courtesy of Daniel.
Join us
Melbourne Rally 18th March 2023

Never giving up on Julian Assange and the kids.
Photograph courtesy of LP Banks©️
Melbourne Rally 15 June 2024.
Parliment Steps.
Every Saturday at 12pm, the people by the people for the people create awareness by speaking the truth. To assist humanity in a peaceful way. They walk amongst to streets of Melbourne in their own time to engage with people one on one, not through a podcast, social media or in a political arena, without agendas, ego or claiming ownership. We walk as one and we Unite as One together.
Hello everyone,
As you would know by now, this channel is not about information as Telegram has plenty of channels to keep you informed. Yes, its been a while. We hope you are all doing well and if not, reach out to someone and make that call. We don't leave anyone behind.
Everyone on this channel is actually a person, we don't have bots or deleted accounts, so most likely you have all walked alongside one another at some stage. For the people in Australia and Melbourne especially, what you do and did was stand against everything wrong in this Country and State. All of you especially Melbourne where ahead of your time, calling out and creating awareness every week for the last few years on topics that are only NOW spoken of by our so called politicians. We witnessed people in the movement being shut down by The wannabe politicians as people were calling out digital ID and paedophilia 3 years ago, though they said it's too much of a conspiracy and best people don't talk about it. To everyone that Rallied, The Grass Roots, the people who were there for the people only, putting people first, you are all amazing, every single one of you.
We do hope you have made and found new connections and commuties as there is alot of groups and individuals creating amazing things for all wanting a change, for we are the change. We hope you have discovered them and your time isn't consumed by groups or individuals taking away your precious energy or sending you down a rabbit hole.
If you attend a rally anywhere in the world and you are requested to sign up, then you would know there is nothing organic about it, since when do you require permission on attendance or notification. You are free to make a stand on any given day without a registration.
The Heart Beat of Melbourne
Would like to wish all the mums a Happy Mother's Day !!! to all the mums around the world. Enjoy your day with your loved ones and hope you all get spoilt with love, flowers and chocolates. Enjoy 🌹🌹🌹
Media is too big
Melbourne Rally 23 March 2024
Parliament Steps
Women's Rights peaceful rally with Freedom group.

Also present were screaming banshees attacking Auditing Australia without police protection or intervention.  Where are all the other supposedly freedom reporters reporting this.  Screaming banshees using the Middle Eastern scarf to bring disrepute to the Palestine Community in Melbourne, hiding their faces with face masks and the scarf .
News flash⛔️🔈, to the Palestine community they infiltrated your movement on day 1, next time you walk ask the question why they are present and what they represent when they show up next time at your peaceful rally.
Screaming banshees using cymbals infront of horses faces, cruelty at its best.
Media is too big
Melbourne Rally 23 March 2024
Parliament Steps
Women's Rights peaceful rally with Freedom group.

Also present were screaming banshees attacking Auditing Australia without police protection or intervention. Where are all the other supposedly freedom reporters reporting this. Screaming banshees using the Middle Eastern scarf to bring disrepute to the Palestine Community in Melbourne, hiding their faces with face masks and the scarf .
News flash⛔️🔈, to the Palestine community they infiltrated your movement on day 1, next time you walk ask the question why they are present and what they represent when they show up next time at your peaceful rally.
Screaming banshees using cymbals infront of horses faces, cruelty at its best.