Remember that human rights are exactly like ethical dilemma!
Do we need to give human rights to a criminal or human rights to the population, means keeping safe the population against a criminal that once released could repeat the same exact crime ... like around ⅓ of the prisoners are doing ...
Do we need to give support to people doing illegal migration, or do we prefer give the money to homeless people in our countries?
Well, the best solution is to try to do the best for both sides (if this is possible), so that we don't discriminate both.
No matter what, we are still of the opinion that NO CRIMINALS SHOULD GET PRIORITY! Obviously it depends from the situation ...
Plus there are some things, that for other people make no difference at all. Means if for example abortion is legal, there is no difference at all for all other people! especially because physiologically a fetus is not a kid able to live alone ...
It's a decision that the mother should take, if she wants or not the kid! Not a random person or a politician, who don't need to pay food, university, clothes, educate / support the kid, etc. for x years! Such dudes have NOTHING to do with the decision of making abortion or other things! Instead they are doing a CRIME saying "Nope, you cannot do that"!
No matter what, at some point we have the situation "human rights of 1 person" vs "human rights of x persons", like the picture with the train.
Should we put our country in danger just for one people in hostage by terrorists or ...
Maybe such person is in hostage for irrational way of acting ...
One thing is still sture. There are cases, where there is NO ethical dilemma anymore. In such cases we have 100% proof and criminals are even PROUD to do such things!
For all other cases, it always depends from the type of crime and the deep of the crime