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📍This invention has created a financial accounting system that can efficiently record and manage all financial information. This system operates fully with a user and admin login system, meaning that anyone who wants to access it must enter their credentials. These systems are connected to a data processing system that collects and processes the data. #Patent #Creativity #Idea 📌اين اختراع يك سيستم حسابدارى مالى درست كرده كه مى تونه تمام اطلاعات مالى رو به خوبى ثبت كنه و مديريت كنه. اين سيستم به طور كامل بايك سيستم ورود كاربر و مدير كار مى كنه، يعنى هركسى كه بخواد وارد بشه بايد مشخصاتش رو وارد كنه. اين سيستمها به يه سيستم يردازش داده متصل مى شن كه دادهها رو جمع آورى و پردازش مى كنه. #نوآوری #ایده #اختراع ------------------------ @sound_of_innovation @sound_of_innovation @sound_of_innovation
Telegram Center
Telegram Center