Latest update for SKYNTIC (SCG)
Currently we experiencing LOW VOLUME purchases , which is going to change soon, currently the holders are going to benefit with the next move that is in the piping.
Currently we waiting for CMC AND CG Listing and as Developer, I guarantee you after those listing , we going one notch up, all I can say is those holding now is going to benefit, However I've made a deal with my team and we agreed that if our subscribers can rise to 1000 by next weekend, then I'll approve the next move....
Please do watch out for more information that going to follow.
I've included shots of how much burns as been done without the tokens available from PinkLock.
That a huge advantage already..
As Developer all I ask is support, Those purchasing THANK YOU, all I know is some good news for investors is coming....
Stay tuned
Hold it , trade it, SKY IT