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What we can learn from Crocus City Hall, even if it's too early now ... Part 8 Part 1 https://t.center/RussiaJustice/122 So the real ethical dilemma question is "is more worse a innocent sentenced to death or 30 innocent killed by no death penalty for example???" Is 1 over 30 more important??! YES; it's an ethical dilemma! Don't consider just "the poor 1" if you ignore "the poor 30!" https://t.center/AmnestyOneToOne/68 https://t.center/AmnestyOneToOne/69 Plus don't think that just because the prisoner is getting life sentence, he lives better than with a death penalty! https://t.center/MahsaAminiTelegram/149 При отсутствии смертной казни в уголовном законе страны все меры наказания как бы автоматически «понижаются», а судьи выносят более мягкие приговоры. In the absence of the death penalty in the country’s criminal law, all penalties are automatically “lowered,” and judges hand down more lenient sentences. BULLSHIT! France has no death penalty and still believe in life sentence for many crimes! https://t.center/DeathPenaltyOneToOne/192 Perfect ... let we keep 1.5 years of prison for rape! https://t.center/LawsTelegram/49 Why not removing prison at all? Would be much easier! Let we keep all "innocents" Plus exactly what? How can you reduce sentences for animals crimes, if such things ARE ALREADY RIDICOULUS LOW! https://t.center/MissionPlaneta/59 Так, террорист Брейвик, организатор и исполнитель взрыва в 2011 г. в центре Осло и нападения на молодежный лагерь, в результате чего 77 человек погибли и 151 ранены, отбывает пожизненное заключение в трехкомнатной одиночной камере и имеет доступ в интернет и спортзал. Thus, the terrorist Breivik, the organizer and perpetrator of the 2011 bombing in the center of Oslo and the attack on a youth camp, as a result of which 77 people were killed and 151 injured, is serving a life sentence in a three-room solitary confinement cell and has access to the Internet and a gym. PLEASE LESS BULLSHIT ABOUT BREIVIK! BREVIK KILLED MORE THAN 77 PEOPLE! https://t.center/BreivikFacts/7
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