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👹 ━━ “and now time is changing the onslaught is coming again but this time they are doing it in a remote village making one village experience chaos, the onslaught everywhere has caused several residents to suffer serious injuries so that they have to be rushed to the hospital there are also those who died as a result of being dragged, the residents are raging because they are too fed up the residents are now angry because every time there is an onslaught there will definitely be those who are dragged away.” 🦅      ▸ OWNER        • marvel [ @suutra ] cek detail { @liteqrasie3 } ▸ ACC PENGAWAS        • SOON      ▸ ADMIN INTI        • Sean [ @weqDon ]      ▸ ADMIN        • aska [ @yBomba ]               “ sebelum mengirim format rekber ke bot utamakan untuk mengecek list admin terlebih dahulu, agar kalian tidak terkena clone oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab ”
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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