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So like said previously we don't agree at all with what is happening in America Latina! https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/757 It's just a shame! They really need to learn from Spain (or better from 🇳🇱!) Todas las mayores de 18 años que quieran interrumpir su embarazo lo podrán hacer hasta la semana 14 de embarazo, sin dar explicaciones del motivo que les lleva a tomar esa decisión, eso sí, deberá ser una decisión tomada desde la libertad, sin coacciones. Debes saber que el plazo de 14 semanas se amplían hasta 22 en el caso de que la vida o la salud de la madre embarazada corra peligro, anomalías fetales incompatibles con la vida, así como graves anomalías en el feto https://perma.cc/8MRF-KSFN Netherlands: An abortion may be performed up to the time when the foetus is viable outside the mother’s body. Under the Criminal Code, this is 24 weeks. In practice, doctors apply a two-week margin of error, and stick to a time limit of 22 weeks Or 🇦🇷: Argentina legalises abortion, joining a small Latin American group https://perma.cc/5MLK-AB2W But is nothing new, since America Latina is well know for their "religious obsession" ... like some countries in Europe https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/365 https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/318 https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/593 The previous video was selected especially to make clear we don't say "people need to make abortion" if they don't want to do that or they have no idea ... Same for other things ... We never promote them. We just fight for the rights using science, stats and facts, not personal or religious opinions! So in the video there was an happy end and the part about the suicide was made well too. At the end EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE THEIR OWN DECISION! (considering even negative points of abortion). What is important, is that not our government force people to keep babies, when we have no interest at all. Doesn't matter the reason, if the fetus is not healthy, they have no motivation or whatever. We are not girls, so we talk as men! https://t.center/LawsTelegram/66
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