🏷️ Want to add your group to federation ?
📥 To join our federation you have to:-
❗ Add
@MissRose_bot and make it admin with full promote.
‼️Then copy and paste bellow text to your group
/joinfed fbe0156f-b2a1-4996-a270-f340a670b3d8
📝 Note: Only the owner of group can do this.
🔸Also after joining the federation type this in the group description:-
" ✨A part of 💠 @PokeTide 💠
🔸And place the tag in the group name:-
📩 If you have completed all the steps, message to @PokeRequest_bot
⚜️ Want to become federation admin ?
❗Add our federation in 5 groups with atleast 150-250 members and then message to @PokeRequest_bot
☮️ Log Channel - @PokeTide_Logs
🏢 Network- @PokeTide
❇️ Founder - @PokeRequest_bot
🔰 Discussion Group -