6 Minuten, die Ihr Leben auf Telegram FÜR IMMER verändern werden! Wir zeigen NUR EINIGE!!! der verfügbaren Funktionen, die TELEGRAM ZUM BESTEN SOCIAL WELTWEIT machen! (auch wenn die Leute das immer noch nicht verstehen 🤦♂️ ...) https://t.center/NoComparisonTelegram
🐺🐺Wolf Rights🐺🐺 Wolf Animal Rights on Telegram by GRT : No death penalty to wolves - death sentence instead to criminals for animal torture! https://t.center/WolfRights
Exactly like all other💩 dog owners! who are not able to be owners! especially all owners with ignorant small dogs! that are even worse than big dogs! https://t.center/AnimalFactsTelegram/102
d) 10 years of prison to AfD politicians! https://t.center/AnimalFactsTelegram/100 and we were even "good". We could even apply death penalty ... but would make no sense! Exclusion from politics is enough