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So now let we go back to the main topic the girl talked in the video we commented before https://t.center/RapeTelegram/1815 with https://t.center/RapeTelegram/1812 to https://t.center/RapeTelegram/1817 First, we already talked about adultery https://t.center/ShittyDeathSentences/96 https://t.center/ShittyDeathSentences/107 https://t.center/ShittyDeathSentences/114 we already said, that BETTER WOULD BE HAVING SEX JUST WITH ONE PEOPLE https://t.center/RapeTelegram/1697 but we know how generations change so - for us doing sex during a marriage, if both agree with that, is ok! we prefer that, instead of doing behind the back! https://t.center/RapeTelegram/1687 but again, obviously would be better without such things ... Now, why should polygamy be ok and adultery not? For those who have 0 knowledge: - Polygamy is defined as “a marital relationship involving multiple spouses” - Adultery is a sexual relationship in which a man or women has with another partner rather than his/her own spouse. Polygamy is rare around the world and mostly confined to a few regions https://perma.cc/G9G9-PD62 Polygamy should be recognized as a particular risk factor for developing social problems in children; thus, with proper education to the families, more attention to the children’s emotional and social needs is required to vavoid this situation. HOW IS POSSIBLE THAT 84% AGREE WITH A DEATH SENTENCE WITH STONES FOR ADULTERY!!!!!!!!!! WTF??????! Some of the highest support for stoning is found in South Asia and the Middle East-North Africa region. In Pakistan (89%) and Afghanistan (85%), more than eight-in-ten Muslims who want Islamic law as their country’s official law say adulterers should be stoned, while nearly as many say the same in the Palestinian territories (84%) and Egypt (81%) https://perma.cc/3GAY-S4AR
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