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Again, like said previously we have no knowledge to evaluate that https://t.center/IsraeliWarNews/735 and we remain neutral https://t.center/IsraeliWarNews/545 at the end Switzerland needs to be neutral @SwitzerlandNeutralTelegram but let we check some stats shared in the world of scientific research @FactsTelegramFreaks No matter such data, what we saw in the last days cannot justify what happened in the past or is still happening https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/438 https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/439 https://t.center/RapeTelegram/1461 etc. The Human Cost Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Over The Past Decade [Infographic] https://perma.cc/G5M2-Q2WP The Human Cost Of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict https://perma.cc/5DMG-RL65 This chart shows every person killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict since 2000 https://perma.cc/VG9M-TLXE Nella sua offensiva di inizio maggio sulla Striscia di Gaza occupata, Israele ha illegalmente distrutto case palestinesi spesso in assenza di necessità militari https://perma.cc/3Z6M-PXQZ ISRAEL AND OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES 2022 https://perma.cc/P6YC-G629 Der Staat Israel hat ein System der Unterdrückung gegen Palästinenser*innen aufgebaut. Diese Menschenrechtsverletzungen erfüllen den Tatbestand der Apartheid, die nach internationalem Recht ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit darstellt https://perma.cc/H6XC-G744 Après un long travail de recherche, notre nouveau rapport démontre que les lois, politiques et pratiques mises en place par les autorités israéliennes ont progressivement créé un système d’apartheid à l’encontre du peuple palestinien dans son ensemble https://perma.cc/QT64-83N4 New Report Finds Israeli Authorities Are Committing Crime Against Humanity of Apartheid Against Palestinians in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories https://perma.cc/93WB-XQNZ ISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES https://perma.cc/37PY-YMZ2 Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and crime https://perma.cc/2L3D-DEMC etc.
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