Multipolar Magazin

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Kritisch & Unabhängig ♾ Plattform für eine kontroverse Debatte! In eigener Sache: Dieser Telegramkanal ist eine private Leserinitiative & wird nicht vom Magazin Multipolar verantwort. Fragen? 👉🏻 @SchreibUnsAn_bot!
The biggest filter bubble ever
In their reporting, the media rely to a large extent on a few news agencies from New York, London, Paris and Hamburg, whose political independence is in question. Alternative views from Moscow or Beijing are hardly ever heard. Journalists who nevertheless take these perspectives into account are sharply criticized. #media #news #english

@multipolar_magazin : read on
Julian Assange will face a show trial in the USA, says UN Special Rapporteur Nils Melzer to Afshin Rattansi on RT
We speak to the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer about the persecution of Julian Assange. He discusses the threat Assange’s persecution poses to press freedom, why mainstream media are starting to slowly support the Wikileaks founder, the allegations Julian Assange faced in Sweden, governments not cooperating with him despite his UN mandate and more! @saveAssange

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#English via MultiPolar-Magazin 🙏🏻

Transcript + extra info ⤵️
The end of a prosecutor Why the Trump case is actually a Biden case
The recently failed impeachment trial against Trump was based on a phone call between the US president and Ukrainian president Selenskyj. The background to the telephone conversation is the political entanglements of Obama's Vice President Joe Biden and his son in Ukraine. It is about the dismissal of a prosecutor, a lobby network of a gas company – as well as about geopolitics. #English #Trump #Biden #Selenskyj #Ukraine

@multipolar_magazin : read further
We are currently experiencing the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world order. Since the failed Iraq war of 2003, the former global US hegemony has been declining. This painful process of decline poses a threat to external and internal peace. But at the same time it opens up great opportunities for alternative developments, for a peaceful, free and plural world. In our magazine we want to pay special attention to these exciting and complex geopolitical processes. The same applies within society. In contrast to the oppressive political and media formation of recent years, we focus on tensions, contradictions and different perspectives. Multipolar stands for multi-perspective journalism.
Most texts on are published in German language. The English texts are marked with the hashtag #english — just click on it.