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This is the best example of country mafia! Two criminal countries in 👨‍❤️‍👨 🇷🇺 considered as "terrorist" https://t.center/TerrorismTelegram/597 🇷🇺 banned many things, without forgetting even banning WWF and Greenpeace! https://t.center/WWFFacts/58 🇷🇺 abusing the arctic! https://t.center/MissionWillowProject/17 🇷🇺 has not improved at all https://t.center/RussianTelegramFreaks/1404 https://t.center/RussianTelegramFreaks/1286 🇷🇺has only oil and gas in mind https://t.center/PollutionFacts/905 = polluting the planet doing ecocide with money in mind https://t.center/MissionEcocide/5 🇷🇺 killed tons of animals in Ukraine! https://t.center/TerrorismTelegram/263 🇷🇺 started a "pollution war" https://t.center/IsraelPollution/3 https://t.center/IsraelPollution/228 🇷🇺 did ecocide in Ukraine! https://t.center/MissionEcocide/12 https://t.center/EcocideTelegram/19 https://t.center/EcocideTelegram/20 https://t.center/EcocideTelegram/32 🇷🇺, near 🇺🇦, that is doing crimes against human rights https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/72 https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/342 https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/542 https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/483 etc. without considering all new bans ... 🇷🇺, that started a war in 🇺🇦! saying is just an military operation ... by killing tons of people and destroying many things 🇷🇺, that is raping 🇺🇦 girls https://t.center/RapeTelegram/2 etc. 🇦🇪, a country that give a shit to pollution, like most 🇸🇦 countries! https://t.center/IsraelPollution/235 https://t.center/IsraelWarBullshit/58 https://t.center/PollutionFacts/731 to https://t.center/PollutionFacts/791 https://t.center/PollutionFacts/960 🇦🇪, that has the same oil and gas in mind, exactly like 🇷🇺! reason why Putin was there too ... intends to raise specifically about oil ... https://perma.cc/3GRH-LQMG 🇦🇪, that ... The same mafia is available with 🇪🇺 🇺🇸🇮🇱 etc. https://t.center/IsraelPollution/229 https://t.center/IsraelPollution/230 Conclusion: it's time that Putin get sentenced for all crimes he is doing! or allowing! Like 🇦🇪 for ecocide & other crimes!
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