Meet Andréia, Luzmila, and Nelly, leaders conserving biodiversity and traditional knowledge in Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador. Their work ensures sustainability and resilience for generations.
Climate-resilient irrigation is a game changer. Farmers can produce more food with less water and land. With reduced water stress, increased crop yields, and lower food prices, it can help feed 1.4 billion more people.
Jan 26: High pressure over the the NE Pacific will build along about 30N by Wed, and increase the pressure gradient across the trade wind zone W of 115W through the end of the work week. Winds will increase to fresh to strong S of 20N there, with seas building to 7-10 ft.
De nuevo, el Panda se une a los deportistas y a las familias por un paisaje sostenible, el cuidado de los árboles y el agua en un recorrido en la reserva natural del @ParqJaimeduque🐼🙌🌳#ÁrbolesParaMiPaís
🌱💡Today is International Day of Clean Energy, a reminder that we need energy that is clean, sustainable AND resilient in the face of more extreme, frequent hazards!
Like hurricane-resilient turbines, taking their inspiration from nature!
Fai un gesto solidale per gli amici a 4 zampe più sfortunati: con il calendario e l’agenda OIPA 2025 , contribuisci alle cure quotidiane 🩵e a e riempire le ciotole dei cani 🐶ospitati dal progetto "Kavod" dell’OIPA di Catania🐕🐾👉
🐥 I pulcini maschi nascono per essere uccisi poche ore dopo la schiusa con pratiche crudeli. La loro vita infatti non vale nulla per l’industria delle uova.
È una pratica profondamente ingiusta, ma una legge per porre fine a tutto questo esiste.
Climate change and nutrient pollution are driving oxygen out of the #ocean and coastal waters, threatening marine life and fisheries.
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions and boosting adaptation and resilience are two complementary approaches to tackling climate change. Both are urgently needed to protect people and economies. Learn more:
🏔️ Melting glaciers, thawing permafrost and other cryospheric changes create new hazards and exacerbate existing hazards, increasing the risk of disasters.
If we protect nature and biodiversity when we design and build infrastructure, we help wildlife thrive while boosting economies, supporting livelihoods, and enhancing communities’ climate resilience.
In Asia, infrastructure like roads is expanding like never before, affecting species such as rhinos, elephants & snow leopards & a wide range of ecosystems.
Learn how nature-friendly infrastructure supports people & wildlife: