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RT @Suomigirl987: In the photograph, titled "Slaughterhouse", the pig waits to be stunned by electric tweezers, a process that is sometimes not carried out properly, which prolongs the animal's suffering. In the background, other pigs hang, still alive, as they slowly bleed to death. https://t.co/Ceg3InIDz5 📸 Es el segundo reconocimiento internacional a esta poderosa fotografía que expone la realidad que viven millones de cerdos en la industria de la carne. Conoce la historia de esta imagen: https://t.co/8qcJ6LOMx4 #TIFA2024 https://t.co/2pAI8fX4Yz - Igualdad Animal Mex Igualdad Animal Mex Mission Español / Latino on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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