Un proyecto transformador, parte del Fondo Concursable Municipal, ha unido a #Cobija para proteger el Arroyo Bahía.
Implementado por el Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Cobija y @AceaaAmazonica , con el apoyo de WWF Bolivia y la Embajada de Suecia en Bolivia. https://t.co/9o3BhfbFYU
¡Guate Clasifica! 🎉🌊♻ Si separamos nuestra basura lograremos que todo Guate sea un país más limpio. ¿Te unís a Guate Clasifica? Recuerda que en tu casa solo debes de separar tu basura en: Orgánico, Reciclable y No reciclable. Y no importa el recipiente, lo que importa es que identifiques tus recipientes. ¡Ingresa a https://t.co/RsbLlZ6aLG y aprende más!
Il @MASE_IT con #Renael avvia i primi One stop shop a livello nazionale: punti operativi aperti al pubblico per supportare i territori su energie rinnovabili e riqualificazione energetica, con focus sulle Comunità energetiche rinnovabili. #ANSAAmbiente ➡https://t.co/A2xhbo6Cw3https://t.co/9P6dSDCuVm
UN SG @antonioguterres: "2024 is set to be the hottest year on record, confirming that our climate is in crisis. The science is clear—this is a wake-up call for governments to act decisively to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement."
#NoADominga | Destacados representantes del mundo científico que trabajan en el Archipiélago de Humboldt respaldan decisión del Comité de Ministros, el cual rechazó por tercera vez y de forma unánime el polémico proyecto minero portuario Dominga.
Geometric and radiometric calibration are the backbone of #Landsat's exceptional data quality. The @USGS and @NASA continually monitor the geometric and radiometric performance of instruments to maintain data quality at the highest level. Learn more here: https://t.co/eJwMe8eTnQhttps://t.co/TKNortDiN3
❓Can our infrastructure cope with extreme weather events? Many older dams, bridges & buildings were not designed to withstand today's extreme weather. We need resilient solutions to provide water & clean power, while not creating new disaster risks. 🌊https://t.co/elzNzyUxd2https://t.co/wy4vxGxJhm
Urban forests play a🔑role in enhancing environmental sustainability, improving air quality & promoting social well-being in cities. Treeconomics leads the way in assessing and managing urban trees to ensure they contribute to resilience and sustainability.
Thanks to years of dedicated conservation and the reintroduction of thousands of individual animals, a region of southern Africa devastated by war is roaring with new life. https://t.co/8NRKRw3wvt
RT @NASAEarth: 2024 was the hottest year in NASA’s record.
Global temperatures were around 1.28 degrees Celsius (2.30 degrees Fahrenheit) higher in 2024 than the 1951-1980 average, the baseline period used for our GISTEMP record.
#NoADominga | El tercer rechazo del Comité de Ministros al polémico proyecto minero portuario Dominga es una prueba más de que este proyecto es incompatible con el Área Marina Costera Protegida “Archipiélago de Humboldt”, un lugar único en el mundo.
RT @NOAA: (3 of 4) #2024 (Jan–Dec) contiguous U.S. precipitation total was 31.58 inches — 1.66 inches above avg. — ranking in the wettest third of the historical record: