ICYMI: NASA's Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) Version 03 (V03) Beta Level 1, 2, and 3 data have achieved provisional validation status. #airquality
From devastating wildfires to typhoons that battered Southeast Asia, to catastrophic flooding in East Africa & parts of LATAM, 2024 saw its share of environmental upheaval. These are the environmental stories that made 2024 unforgettable⤵️ https://t.co/aYyu2xCXJV via @CIFOR_ICRAFhttps://t.co/l1aDlLNCRh
In a new film, @williamandmary students show the power of collaboration by working with Malagasy universities, local communities, and @ConservationOrg to create a water sensor that helps Madagascar manage water sustainably.
📝Register now for the 2025 Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction ! 🌐
#GP2025 will take place from 2 to 6 June 2025 in Geneva 🇨🇭. The event, open to online & in-person participants, will be co-chaired by @SwissMFA and @UNDRR.
L'#Ue deve affrontare con urgenza la carenza idrica e trovare nuovi modi per finanziare i lavori di ristrutturazione delle tubature che perdono. Lo dichiara al Financial Times la commissaria europea per l'Ambiente, Jessika Roswall. #ANSAAmbiente ➡https://t.co/o3oaD8f7ALhttps://t.co/RTLbosqmq2
#NoADominga | Por más de una década, las comunidades que habitan el Archipiélago de Humboldt han buscado proteger este ecosistema del controvertido proyecto minero portuario Dominga. Este miércoles 8 de enero, el Comité de Ministros votará por tercera vez la iniciativa, ante una comunidad y un país expectantes por cerrar finalmente esta historia.
RT @NASA: We're exploring two approaches to our Mars Sample Return Program to bring @NASAPersevere's rock cores back to Earth: one using proven sky crane technology, and the other using new commercial capabilities. We expect to finalize the design in 2026. https://t.co/N0WNM0spkqhttps://t.co/ajisEs616e
RT @WWFnews: Corporate climate targets are only as strong as the standards behind them and the means to achieve them. As the Science Based Targets initiative welcomes its new CEO, our CEO, @Carter_Roberts, reflects on the future of corporate climate action. https://t.co/5qVxHPFnag
RT @NWS: Did you know that before TV and internet they used to use this flag to tell people when a cold front like today’s was coming? Learn more about weather signal flags in this NOAA Heritage story: https://t.co/5gAjaUJifOhttps://t.co/LUQRXT9qMj
How likely is it, given the forecast La Niña AND a westerly Quasi-biennial Oscillation (QBO), that a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event will occur this winter?
The satellite camps are set up, the sun is shining and #Denman Terrestrial Campaign scientists are making fantastic discoveries under the ice. 📸Glenn Johnstone, Raphael Burkart-Radtke