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It's time to start change laws, sentence people promoting crimes / illegal migrations / missing human rights Part 3 Part 1 https://t.center/MigrationTelegram/481 So, such people allowing illegal migration and other things should get sentenced! because they are promoting a crime!! https://t.center/MigrationTelegram/369 Otherwise it would happen like with the topic prison, where people can escape from prison and maybe kill a person, but for us such people are INNOCENT! WTF???? https://t.center/MigrationTelegram/460 So the main problem here are not the people doing illegal immigration (even if such people are doing even crimes if they abuse such things!) but more our laws / human rights ... WE NEED TO: a) stop missing human rights everywhere! https://t.center/LawsTelegram/43 b) stop the war everywhere! https://t.center/StandForPeace https://t.center/IsraelWarRights https://t.center/StandForWar c) fight against criminality everywhere! d) stop allowing immigration from A to Z in illegal way! Migration is ok, but not illegal abusive immigration! e) change human rights definition by adding human rights definition based on which crime you did and the intensity of such crimes. Cannibalist (and other) should NOT have same human rights like the victim! https://t.center/WomenRightsTelegram/356 f) start to sentence all people involved in such crimes properly! no matter which type of crime ... https://t.center/LawsTelegram/41 https://t.center/EcocideTelegram https://t.center/StopEcocideTelegram g) implement BETTER LAWS respecting human rights! https://t.center/ShittyLaws https://t.center/HumanRightsChecklist https://t.center/LawsTelegram
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