It's time to start change laws, sentence people promoting crimes / illegal migrations / missing human rights Part 1
What protections do States owe migrants in an ‘irregular’ situation?
Human rights are inherent to all human beings. Importantly, these rights are not tied to one’s citizenship or nationality. The very presence of migrants within a State's jurisdiction—whether in a regular or irregular status—imposes obligations on the State to acknowledge their presence, and allow them to claim their human rights
And this is always the main problem!
It's time that human rights are NOT allowed for all humans, if we don't consider the reason behind such request of human rights (ex. trans women), crimes done (mass homicide due to racism, etc.) and even the human rights of the opposing side!
This is a serious crime against the human right of other people, if we just consider one side of the story!
We can understand that
UNHCR zur Straflosigkeit der illegalen Einreise von Flüchtlingen (Artikel 31 Abs. 1 der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention)
but we need to talk about more things.
a) Syria has over 20 mio people ... If even just 3/4 of such people now would leave the country due to their situation, we would have 15 mio migrants to Europe! and this is just Syria, without considering all other countries
We need to remember that there are 10+ wars ...
IT'S SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO ACCEPT ALL! not only related to finance, but even the fact, that ALREADY NOW THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH HOUSES FOR STUDENTS! how the hell can a country keep all such illegal migrants, if we first need to fix the "our house problem". This is not just related to students ...
b) not only because they come from such countries, means that they are directly related to such events ... otherwise it's exactly like saying that Muslims are terrorists! which is bullshit
This is exactly written in swiss laws too
Abuse IS NOT OK!