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Let we check if foreigner can vote ... Ausländerinnen und Ausländer können auf Bundesebene weder an Abstimmungen noch an Wahlen teilnehmen 👌. Je nach Kanton und Gemeinde haben Ausländerinnen und Ausländer ein Stimm- und Wahlrecht auf kantonaler und kommunaler Ebene 💩 https://perma.cc/3RNT-SLLB Well, 🇨🇭🇫🇷 has the shit, that such dudes can vote ... but not for decisions that are related to the whole Switzerland ... At the local level, French-speaking Switzerland is again more open: foreigners are entitled to vote in municipal elections and ballots in Neuchâtel, Jura, Vaud, Fribourg and Geneva https://perma.cc/SBF6-8VPK In Switzerland, foreign nationals do not have the right to vote at federal level 👌. In some cantons and communes, they do have the right to vote in cantonal and communal ballots 💩 https://perma.cc/3BDT-A9WF Politische Rechte für Ausländerinnen und Ausländer in den Gemeinden https://perma.cc/6FQN-ZRYV Non-citizen suffrage https://perma.cc/KT44-KUR2 Ordinary naturalisation is the option for foreign citizens who have lived for at least 10 years in Switzerland, three of which must be in the five years before they file their application for citizenship, and who hold a permanent residence permit (C permit) https://perma.cc/4UPF-YSM5 However, you can automatically lose 👌❤️ your Dutch citizenship if you acquire another citizenship or if you have dual citizenship https://perma.cc/WDP4-SKTJ 🙅‍♂️ dual citizenship Since 1 January 1992, Swiss law has allowed multiple citizenship without any restrictions 💩 https://perma.cc/66B6-SCSN Besides the fact that religion is just bullshit per default! https://t.center/MuslimTerrorists/135 https://t.center/IsraelWarBullshit/811 We need to remember that 💩 Christianity is available in Asia too ... The Patriarchate of the Chaldean Catholic Church currently resides in Baghdad, Iraq, with Eparchies (Dioceses) around the world https://perma.cc/5X49-8UEG means we cannot complain about 🇸🇦 in 🇪🇺, if 🇪🇺 is in 🇸🇦. Remember that!
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