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⠀⠀⠀⠀ TERMS AND ARRANGEMENTS. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ [01.] ensure you’re registered as one of the customers on the @midleath channel to get the latest information. [02.] payment can be accessed through DANA/QRIS and payments are made initially with one of the preventive measures to avoid unwanted events. the client also cannot cancel the purchase when the format has been submitted. [03.] i have flexible working hours, on weekend i will start working and respond from 10:00 to 23:00, when weekday i begin working and reply from 16:00 to 22:00. [04.] whole materials used are content from all social media including from paid content, but we also open up pre-execution discussions with clients if they do not want material from paying content. i also reserve the right to reject orders with unacceptable capacity. [05.] i only allow a small number of revisions twice with examples of a revision such as changing a skintone or adding fake hair, when a major revision that is capable of changing the entire manips will be charged an additional cost of IDR 2,000/manips. [06.] the work lasts for 1-14 days, depending on the queue. if you want to be a priority order will be charged as much as the price listed. i do not accept inrush orders under 5 hours after submitted the format. [07.] all manipulation works on @inkedstains are absolutely copyrighted and belong to @midleath. if you claim or do something that prohibits copyright, you will be charged IDR 250,000 in return. [08.] in case of my negligence in connection with one of the orders is delayed delivery without any information, the client is freely entitled to apply for a refund and i will still send the result. ⠀⠀⠀⠀
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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