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کانال اطلاع رسانی درس های محرم منصوری زاده تقویم دانشگاهی: ارسال مطلب و پیام: @mansoorm در پیام رسان بله در پیام رسان ایتا:
Open Position: PhD or PostDoc in Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models at FIZ Karlsruhe

We are recruiting for the position of a PhD/Junior Researcher or PostDoc/Senior Researcher (f/m/x) starting at the nearest possible date. We are looking for an ambitious person who aims for a successful scientific career in the context of knowledge graph and machine learning related technologies contributing to the strategic research and technology goals of FIZ Karlsruhe. More information at

#phd #postdoc
اگر دانش‌آموخته مقطع کارشناسی ارشد و علاقمند به انجام دوره دکتری در زمینه Augmented reality, Virtual reality and Artificial Intelligence در دانشگاه استرالیایی Wollongong شعبه دبی با بورس تحصیلی هستید رزومه خود را به [email protected] ارسال کنید. دانش‌آموختگان دانشگاه‌های بوعلی‌سینا و صنعتی همدان در اولویت هستند.

We are offering three fully funded PhD positions to study political biases of large language models in various application settings (simplification and paraphrasing, summarization and question answering, translation): how to define them? How to measure them? How to mitigate them?

Depending on their interests and preferences, the successful candidates will either join:

- the MLIA team of ISIR:
- the Computational Linguistic group of STIH:

Applications should be submitted only via this link, where more information about the position is available:

If you are interested, please submit your application *before June 15th*, including the following elements:

• Detailed CV,
• Letter of motivation,
• Details of transcripts (especially M1 and M2),
• Elements of bibliography or personal achievements related to a research activity (e.g. master project, research internship subject, etc.),
• 2 recommendation letters

PhD Position in computer science (research topics: user modeling, recommender systems), 4 years full-time employment (40 hrs/week), paid tuition, 50% teaching load, travel budget.

Full Description

PhD Position in computer science (research topics: user modeling, recommender systems), 4 years full-time employment (40 hrs/week), paid tuition, 50% teaching load, travel budget, supervised by Assoc. Prof. Marko Tkalčič at the University of Primorska, Slovenia.

Research topics:

- psychologically-informed user modeling,
- psychologically-informed item modeling,
- inference of user and item characteristics,
- explanations,
- recommender systems.


The Department of Information Sciences and Technologies (DIST) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT) of the University of Primorska is seeking candidates for a PhD student position in the area of psychologically-informed user modeling and recommender systems under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marko Tkalčič.

The project will explore how psychologically-informed features can be used to model users, items, infer user characteristics from digital traces, infer item characteristics, provide explanations and recommendations in the music and film domains. The methodologies will include user studies and machine learning. The candidate will work in a great team with Marko Tkalčič as part of the HICUP lab ( in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Koper (the beach is only a 3 min walk from the office).

- Full-time employment (40 hrs/week). Full social security.
- The position is for four years.
- The starting date is October 2024.
- MSc in Computer Science or related field.
- The position includes a 50% teaching load.
- The position comes with funding for travel (conferences).

Application Process:

The applications will be assessed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. To apply, send an email to [email protected] with the following documentation:

- motivation letter,
- CV,
- list of publications (if applicable),
- research statement (one page, describe your ideal PhD project),
- names and email addresses of two to three references.

Link to call:

Call for ParticipationESSIR 2024 - 15th European Summer School in Information RetrievalUniversity of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

We invite everyone interested in Information Retrieval to attend the 15th European Summer School in Information Retrieval - ESSIR 2024 at the University of Amsterdam.

Important Dates
* Early Registration Deadline: May 31st 2024
* Late Registration Deadline: June 30th 2024
* Summer School: July 01-05 2024

Topics and Intended Audience

Travel Grants
We will provide partial and full travel support to some of the students. Submit your application by May 15th by filling out the registration form, as well as the financial support application form.

Please visit our webpage for up-to-date information:

To register, please fill out the application form and register on Eventbrite.

Any questions should be directed to: [email protected]

We look forward to your participation!

Kind regards,
Mohammad Aliannejadi

#phd #summerschool
We invite exceptional graduates to apply for the two PhD studentships on Responsible AI at Kings College London within the Safe and Trusted AI UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT). We are searching for candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, a passion for AI ethics, responsibility, and public health, and the drive to contribute to transformative research.

Studentship 1
Constitutional AI: Developing Responsible Solutions and Formal Techniques for Ethical AI Integration
This aims to pioneer cutting-edge responsible AI solutions and introduce new formal techniques for Constitutional AI

Studentship 2
CausalMED: Novel Causal Methods for Responsible AI in Healthcare
This aims to pioneer new methodologies that push the boundaries of what is currently achievable in the domain of causal modeling for public health

How to Apply
To apply, submit your application by, ideally, April 12th through our online portal at
Please also forward your CV, indicating "Safe and Trusted AI PhD Application" in the subject line, to [email protected]

- daniele
what a year 2023 has been!
good city life

A PhD and two postdoc positions on natural language understanding are now available at the Pioneer Centre for AI. You can read more about the positions here.
PhD Fellowship on Factual Text Generation

While recent large language models demonstrate surprising fluency and predictive capabilities in their generated text, they have been demonstrated to generate factual inaccuracies even when they have encoded truthful information. This limits their utility and safety in real world scenarios where guarantees of factuality are needed. To address this, the project will explore methods for improving the factuality of text generation with respect to both objective real-world facts and provided source documents.

We are looking for candidates with a background in computer science, machine learning, natural language processing, computational social science, or similar. The candidate should have an interest in automatic text generation and fact checking. They should also have an interest in interdisciplinary research endeavors, including at the Pioneer Center for AI. Early research experience, especially with empirical research methods, or relevant industry experience, will be a bonus.

The principal supervisor is Professor Isabelle Augenstein and the co-supervisor is Dustin Wright.

Application deadline: 1 April 2024. Apply here.
Postdoctoral Fellowship on NLP for Computational Social Science

The Pioneer Centre for AI and Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen invite applications for a 2-year postdoctoral full-time research position in the domain of Natural Language Processing.

NLP is becoming an increasingly powerful tool for social scientists. Yet, the intersection between the two disciplines is still poorly explored, with research in the two disciplines often being conducted as separate streams. The goal of this project is to research methods which can more directly be useful for downstream social science applications. One such application is to analyse common narratives in news, which requires methods including (interpretable) topic modelling, framing detection, social media analysis, etc. The successful candidate will be affiliated with a larger initiative on narrative analysis, spanning different content modalities, with the autonomy to define their project in this larger context.

The research will be conducted in collaboration with researchers at the Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence’s Speech and Language Collaboratory, CopeNLU and the Belongie Lab. Inquiries about the position can be made to Professor Isabelle Augenstein.

Application deadline: 7 April 2024. Apply here.
Postdoctoral Fellowship on Multi-Modal Fact Checking

The Pioneer Centre for AI and Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen invite applications for a 2-year postdoctoral full-time research position in the domain of Natural Language Processing.

Online content can include multiple different modalities, ranging from text to images or tables. Increasingly, detecting false information requires the understanding of a combination of these modalities and the relationship between them. This project will focus on developing general-purpose multi-modal methods for automatic fact checking in various domains, such as scientific publications, news or social media. Inquiries about the position can be made to Professor Isabelle Augenstein or Assistant Professor Desmond Elliot.

Application deadline: 7 April 2024. Apply here.

#phd #postdoc
The UKP Lab in Darmstadt, Germany, led by Iryna Gurevych and the recently founded INSAIT in Sofia, Bulgaria have several job openings:

*** Associate Research Scientists (PostDoc- or PhD-level) in AI and NLP ***

Are you an outstanding PhD candidate or Postdoc with a strong profile in Natural Language Processing, LLMs and AI? We have several openings as Associate Research Scientists at UKP Lab (Germany) and INSAIT (Bulgaria)!

We highly appreciate demonstrable engagement in open-source projects, communication skills in English and the ability to effectively cooperate with scientists of various interdisciplinary backgrounds. Prior experience with relevant areas of NLP and Machine Learning and strong engineering skills are a plus.

More information about the opening and the application process can be found here:
Join our internationally recognized team, enjoy diverse opportunities for professional development, and conduct cutting-edge research! Application deadline: April 15th, 2024.

Please submit your application via the following form: Please indicate which institute you are applying to.

#phd #postdoc
A postdoc-level position as Research Fellow in Natural Language Processing is available in the Language Technology Group (LTG) at the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. The 3-year position is affiliated with a new research project focusing on event extraction from news articles in the domain of armed conflicts While the project is coordinated by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), the researcher position is located within LTG which is the main project partner.
For more information about the position and the research group, please see the full announcement here:
The closing date is April 10th, 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
Best regards,


#phd #postdoc
Dear colleagues,

The NLP4Health Lab in the Department of Medical Informatics at the Amsterdam UMC and University of Amsterdam is hiring one postdoctoral researcher and two PhD students in Responsible Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) for Healthcare, all positions are fully-funded. Do you have a strong background in NLP and ML, and a keen interest in large language models and healthcare? Please consider applying, we are accepting applications (until March 15*)!

Please check details and apply via the links below:

PhD positions:
Postdoc researcher position:

The positions are funded by an NGF AiNed Fellowship Grant for the "CaRe-NLP: Human-Centric and Responsible NLP methods for Dutch healthcare" project. The overall goal of the project is to develop human-centric and responsible NLP and ML methods for healthcare in the Netherlands, Europe, and worldwide. We will design, build, and evaluate state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) for healthcare data that include (combinations of) free-text clinical notes collected in primary/secondary/intensive care settings, medical images, time series measurements, medical knowledge graphs, and multi-modal electronic heath records (EHRs). Our methods' goals are to ensure privacy and fairness, prevent bias, cope with data scarcity, and be interpretable and explainable. We collaborate with a network of clinicians across multiple specialties, and you will tackle relevant clinical problems with real-world impact.

The project team is led by dr. Iacer Calixto and prof. Ameen Abu-Hanna, and we are housed at the Amsterdam UMC location University of Amsterdam in the beautiful city of Amsterdam.

(Please feel free to share with your students/communities!)

Have a great week,

#phd #postdoc
There are two RA/TA positions available for Fall 2024 in Dr. Chul-Ho Lee's research group in the Department of Computer Science at Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, which is in the Greater Austin area, Texas. He is looking for highly motivated PhD students who have a solid mathematical background and/or strong programming skills. His research interests are in graph mining, network analysis, networking, and networked/computing systems. His recent focus is on (1) efficient algorithms and computational tools for network analysis and graph mining, (2) modeling, analysis, and control of epidemic/information spreading, (3) machine learning for mobile and IoT applications, and (4) accelerating data analysis and deep learning.

His research is currently supported by the National Science Foundation, NVIDIA, SK Hynix America, and other funding agencies. His graduate students have been having internship opportunities at NVIDIA and SK Hynix America. His group is currently working with a diverse group of researchers from NVIDIA, SK Hynix America, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and other universities. If you are interested, please send your resume/CV and transcripts to [email protected] with the subject line "PhD applicant for Fall 2024".
Dr. Chul-Ho Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas State University, San Marcos, TX. Prior to that, he worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, and a senior research engineer in Samsung Research, Korea. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. He has published over 40 papers, mostly in top-tier venues such as ACM KDD, ACM SIGMETRICS, ACM CIKM, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE/CVF CVPR, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICDE, IEEE ICDCS, and IEEE/ACM Transactions and Journals, and his work was recognized as a Best Paper Award Finalist at ACM MobiHoc 2019. He has been serving on the program committees of several major IEEE/ACM/SIAM conferences in data mining, machine learning, and networking, and he is currently an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. For more information, please visit his homepage

#PhD #MSc #postdoc
The TALOS European project at University of Crete (Greece) is advertising 3 PhD positions in Artificial Intelligence for Digital Humanities (

Domain: Artificial Intelligence & Digital Humanities

Duration & Start date: 3 years & as soon as possible

Funding: 1.200 € net salary

Location: University of Crete (Greece) at Rethymno (

Required degree: Master in Computer Science or in Digital Humanities

Contact: Prof Christophe Roche ([email protected] - & Dr Maria Papadopoulou ([email protected] -

a) 1 PhD in “Semantic Annotation and Knowledge Graphs. Application to Classics/Ancient Greek”

Use Hybrid AI (Deep Learning, Symbolic AI, Natural Language Processing) to semantically annotate large text collections that cover vast historical time periods. Semantically annotated texts will be enriched with metadata, i.e. with references to concepts stored in knowledge graphs, including domain ontologies, for the purpose of effective data management. The objective is to produce open datasets that are shareable, searchable, findable, and linkable to external resources.

b) 1 PhD position in “Artificial Intelligence for the Preservation and Dissemination of Cultural Heritage”

The objective is to preserve and open cultural items in such a way that they are shareable, linkable and findable. Particular attention will be paid to scarce resources such as linear B inscriptions. Deep Learning will be used to complete inscriptions. Terminology, ontology and knowledge graphs will be used for their representation. Expected results include the creation of an online museum and library dedicated to the Linear B inscription in compliance with the Linked and Open Data standards.

c) 1 PhD in “Digitalisation of Education: Contribution of Artificial Intelligence to Curriculum Analysis”

The aim of the PhD is to propose a modelling and a digital representation of curricula that allow their processing by machines, for example for the study of their alignment with skills and activities. To this end, the contribution of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, Knowledge representation and standards (ISO & W3C) will be studied. This includes ontologies which “are used with great success in education because they allow to formulate the representation of a learning domain by specifying all concepts involved, relations between concepts and all properties and conditions that exist” [Stancin et al. 2020].

Prof Christophe Roche
University of Crete (Greece) - ERA Chair Holder
University Savoie Mont Blanc (France)

Fully funded Ph.D. opportunity at Intelligent Distributed Computing and System (INDUCE) Lab in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, College of Information Technology, United Arab Emirates University.

If you are highly motivated to pursue a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence for Smart City, then this is the right place for you.

· Master’s degree in computer science or engineering or related disciplines with a CGPA of 3.50 and above
· Excellent mathematical background
· Knowledge in modeling, machine learning, optimization, and distributed systems middleware
· Strong communication and writing skills
· Excellent programming skills
· Motivated and can work independently as well as within a team in an interdisciplinary environment.

· Research publication(s) in Scopus-indexed Q1 journal

APPLICATION PROCESS: Please send your CV, transcripts of Bachelor and Master degrees, 1-page cover letter and 2 letters of recommendations to Dr. Leila Ismail (Email: [email protected]).


Ph.D. ADMISSION: Spring 2024 (2 January 2024) :


From Mubarak Shah, Professor at University of Central Florida

We will be hiring closed to 50 new Ph.D. students, who will be fully supported on fellowships/GRAs this fall in core areas of AI an applications including Computer Vision, NLP, Robotics, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging, Fintech, etc. If you apply before November 1, application fees will be waived.

I am hiring! If you want to study how LLMs work through the lens of software quality or find out what LLMs know about software engineering this might be for you!

Here is the link to the job posting.

PhD position on AI/NLP at the University of Brest, France

Fully funded PhD position in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Brest
The University of Brest has a fully funded PhD position (3 years) on AI for scientific text simplification.

We seek an ambitious and highly talented PhD candidate to work on the interface of information retrieval (IR) and natural language processing (NLP) models applied to large-scale scientific text corpora. Our project aims to develop effective and efficient IR and NLP technology for promoting scientific information access, and to support non-professionals searching for scientific information in academic literature. Specifically, we deploy large language and foundation models for NLP tasks such as text simplification. There is considerable flexibility to shape the project to emerging research opportunities and the background and interests of the candidate.

We are looking for a candidate with:

an MSc in computer science, artificial intelligence (AI) or a related field;
a strong scientific interest in NLP, IR, and AI;
strong academic performance in university-level courses in the relevant subjects;
demonstrable experience with machine learning and deep learning;
experience in programming, software development, and data science tools;
professional command of English and good presentation skills;
the willingness to work collaboratively with other researchers and external stakeholders.

The PhD position is funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) within the SimpleText project on automatic scientific text simplification ( We collaborate with a range of partners in the context of the related CLEF SimpleText track, and the candidate is encouraged to spend time as an intern at our research or industry partners ( The PhD position is fully funded and you will be employed by the University of Brest for three years (full-time, with all employment benefits) and are expected to complete a PhD thesis within this period.

If you feel the profile fits you, and you are interested in the job, we look forward to receiving your application. Job applications should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. We accept applications until and including 13 October 2023.

Applications should include the following information:

A detailed CV including the months (not just years) when referring to your education and work experience;
A letter of motivation explaining how the project is related to your research background;
A list of publications (in case of joint authorship, please clearly indicate your own contribution) or a link to a writing sample available online, such as a Master’s thesis;
A list of all Bachelor and Master-level modules you have taken, with an official transcript of grades;
The names, affiliations, and email addresses of two academic referees who can provide details about your academic profile in relation to this position (please do not include any reference letters in your application).

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments by contacting Dr. Liana Ermakova ([email protected]).

Open on PhD Position Recommender Systems for Youngsters (please share)

During your Ph.D., you will join Dr Sole Pera and her team within the Web Information Systems group, to work on advancing how recommender systems can better support youngsters— children, teenagers, and young adults. Youngsters have particular cognitive, social, physical, and emotional needs that make the information they seek, their experiences, sense-making, and skills different from those of adults. This offers a wide range of open research directions.
Undertaking such a Ph.D. project often entails (a) identifying the challenges and potential harms youngsters encounter when interacting with recommender systems that offer items for learning or leisure, such as books, videos, and TikToks, and (b) designing and developing the technological advances needed to address them. Along the way, you will study how youngsters interact with recommender systems using various perspectives. You will also investigate how to leverage the dynamic human traits unique to youngsters to model users and how such modeling can impact technology design. Moreover, you will explore how to evaluate new solutions, particularly in the absence of benchmarks or when existing restrictions, such as federal regulations or inclusion/accessibility objectives, need to be considered.

Application deadline: September 29, 2023

Details: Job details (

Sole Pera, PhD
Associate Professor - Web Information Systems
TU Delft
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6 – 3.W.800
2628 XE Delft, The Netherlands

Fully-funded PhD position “Computer Science: Knowledge Graphs & Natural Language Processing” (m/f/d), Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Dear colleagues and friends,

The Research Center L3S invites applications for the position of a Research Associate / PhD Candidate (m/f/d) “Computer Science: Knowledge Graphs & Natural Language Processing” (Salary Scale 13 TV-L; 100 %) starting at the earliest possible date. The position is limited to 3 years with the possibility of extension. The regular weekly working time is 39.8 hours (full-time).


The PhD topic will be in the context of the HybrInt project and the Open Research Knowledge Graph ( focusing on building knowledge graphs for the agricultural domain. The aim of these projects is to research and develop NLP solutions as large language models (LLMs) for crowdsourcing, representing and managing semantically structured, rich representations of scholarly contributions and research data in knowledge graphs and thus develop a novel model for scholarly communication. In the context of the PhD thesis you will be responsible for building and maintaining the ORKG data ingestion and processing pipelines to ensure the flow of high-quality semantified resources from academic publications. Your main responsibility in this position will be to build scalable solutions that crawl, ingest, process publications, and thereby enrich the ORKG. You will work alongside the ORKG engineering team to setup the AI/NLP ecosphere.

The tasks will focus on:

* Working in the areas of Natural Language Processing (text mining, information extraction, information retrieval/search) and Machine Learning of scholarly communication media (digital) data
* Research and development of suitable Large Language Models (LLMs) as NLP solutions
* Conceptually designing, modeling, and implementing data-driven services in one or more areas of information retrieval and extraction, data enrichment, and linking of data

Application Deadline: 15.09.2023

Web Address for Applications: (en); (de)
PhD proposal : Knowledge representation and reasoning for cultural heritage : PATRIMALP Materials, Pigments, Lights: the colors of Heritage

Host : Université Grenoble-Alpes

Supervisors /Contact Person: Danielle Ziébelin [email protected] and Véronique Adam [email protected]

The aim is to build a knowledge graph composed of heritage objects, object components, materials, colors, know-how, repositories and metadata. Each part of the knowledge graph can reference a specific ontology well known to a scientific community (pigment ontology, material ontology, color ontology, etc.). To enable researchers to observe and reconstruct technical or artisanal know-how and practices, the thesis will propose a knowledge representation language adapted to the description of recipes (color recipes) and know-how (tasks).

Expected Skills:

Familiarity with semantic web technologies, linked data and data integration

Familiarity with spatial and temporal knowledge representation and reasoning

See for more detail and how to apply :

Best regards


Danielle Ziebelin
Universite Grenoble Alpes - UGA
LIG (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble)
IMAG building - office 379
700 avenue Centrale
Domaine Universitaire - 38401 Grenoble St Martin d'Hères
Postale : LIG - Bâtiment IMAG - CS 40700 - 38058 GRENOBLE CEDEX
tel: (+33) (0)4 57 42 15 74
