I am sorry but start making new friends that are confident and that you can learn from them. I really used to underestimate the power of good friends but when I get good and confident friends in my life ,I realise how much I can change myself, how much I have improved till now. I am not saying ditch your old friends but everyone needs to make new friends. If you have a friend who is confident,can teach you how to be more confident and how to approach new peoples, how to talk to peoples that will elevate you and if you are stuck with friends that are all like OH! Let's stay home oh! Don't do this, like all are introvert then nobody's going to grow. So it is very important to have friends you want to be like. If your friends are literally doing nothing with their life and they don't want to improve let them go. I don't care how hard it is but let them go because when you start improving they are just going to drag you down. The might go to your level but where you will go? Huh? How you will become best version of yourself. So at the end of day you can still be friend with those peoples but you also need friends that elevate you...