Repercussions bereaved a several troops. Thus, they
THE WIZARDIANS determine to quest and augment their troops to in conjunction with conquer the anathema from sorcery world. However, certainly they possess several requisite:
🎴. All liners, all genders, and all type of roleplayers are allowed. We're not accepting twins.
🎭. A clone account (in a wrong way), spy, silent readers, and various similar ugliness
terribly not be permitted.
🎰. Prioritize someone who convenient intercommunicate with us, talkactive, crackheads, also safeguarding our secret.
🀄. We won't accept a certain whose in rest, inactive, semi-inactive, or have a plan to leaving from roleplayers within a nearby period.
In case there's a certain person whose convinced be able comply the requisite thereinbefore. Contact our walkie-talkie
📞 forthwith. We'll look forward for you, see you later, New Troops.