این پیام + این پست رو فور کنید چنلاتون و از زیباییتون بزارید تا من به مدت ۲۴ ساعت بزارم چنل و نصفتون هم تبلیغ میکنم. حتما جویین باشید تا بزارمش Limit:4550
Back of my Harley She don't give a fuck She could lose her life any moment with me But she's so in love Whispering so softly in my ear You belong to me, and you're saying bad words But they sound so heavenly 'Cause you're such a good girl
I really want to be part of your life but your fucking eyes see someone else and it's ok I mean..you don't even have to be kind or being friendly with me,it's ok.