Advanced English 😎🥳

Логотип телеграм канала Advanced English 😎🥳
2,67 тыс.
🔷 We hope to make your English learning journey easier and easier🤠 by providing interactive, enjoyable lessons that are worthy of developing your language by time..⏳ Join us to explore a new world of knowledge📚 Contact me @Teacher_Abdullah
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Advanced English 😎🥳 pinned «للمزيد تابعوا قناتنا على اليوتيوب 😍🥳👇»
للمزيد تابعوا قناتنا على اليوتيوب 😍🥳👇
ويقابله بالعربي (يصنع من الحبة قبة) بمعنى انه يبالغ في ردة فعله حول موضوع أو امر لا يستحق

Advanced English 😎🥳 pinned «لتعلم كلمات جديده لكل المستويات كل يوم انضم معنا😍👇»
🔴Announcement 📢⚠️

Dear students,

We have created a Facebook group which is related to this channel and we would like you to be there to have more discussions and share information more openly.

We hope that you get a great benefit from it.

The group link👇


Channel management
Kick the bucket = Die
يحتضر - يموت
#أمثال_مترجمة الجزء الأول

* اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد
* Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave
* إذا هبّت رياحك فاغتنمها
* Make hay while the sun shines
* إضرب حديدا حاميا لانفع منه أن يبرد
* Strike while the iron is hot
* إن أردت أن تطاع فسل ما يستطاع
* If you wish to be obeyed don't ask the impossible
* إنّ الطيور على أشكالها تقع
* Birds of a feather flock together
* إنّ بَعد العسر يسرا
* After the storm comes sunshine
* اتّق شرّ من أحسنت إليه
* Beware the man who has received charity from you
* استجار من الرمضاء بالنار
* To jump out of the frying pan into the fire
* الأعمال خير من الأقوال
* Acts speak louder than words
* الأمور بخواتمها
* All is well that ends well
* الإيمان يزحزح الجبل
* Faith may move mountains
* الابن سرّ أبيه
* Like father like son
* الاتحاد قوّة
* Union is strength
To Get Caught Red Handed
📝A person who is caught red-handed is discovered in the middle of committing a crime or doing something wrong. It is usually related to stealing but can also be used by a parent who finds their child eating their way through a box of chocolates.
📚Example: He tried to steal from the shop but he was caught red-handed.