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Still interesting how people are so idiot commenting the original video, instead of checking facts we commented ... This show exactly how we are surrounded by idiots ... and with all such social network bullshit it's getting just worse https://t.center/IsraelWarBullshit/408 Even interesting how people express their opinions just after reading the titles (no the content), while we spent hours searching facts to just write a post. When quick answering is much important than using the brain and verifying things. This happens with all topics ... https://t.center/TgFreaksAnnouncements/148 https://t.center/TgFreaksAnnouncements/174 https://t.center/TTokFreaks/1324 https://t.center/TTokFreaks/1325 Last point, even interesting how people are experts in all things ... when in reality this is not the case of most people. Until now we found NO ONE citing facts, but using just personal opinions (influenced by their pro 🇵🇸 or pro 🇮🇱 behaviours)! except human rights associations and some journalists. Citing the same identical image we see on Twitter 1000x times by 🇵🇸 is not scientific too, considering even the fact that such image is coming from a website that is well know to provide false statistics! and we already talked about fake statistics, for example https://t.center/FinanceFactsTelegram/566 Meanwhile we shared such image in combination with other stats too, like the map they continue to post. To be honest 🇮🇱 share a different image. But again, we return to https://t.center/IsraelWarBullshit/60 Remember, when you are not expert, better you say "i give someone other the privilege to answer something", what professional do and we did that too, asking human rights associations to answer things we think they know much more than us ...
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