Смотреть в Telegram
#Vocabulary 📱 Telegram ilovasida eng ko‘p ishlatiladigan inglizcha so‘zlar, ularning o‘qilishi, tarjimasi va misollari: 1. Chat O‘qilishi: /ʧæt/ Tarjima: Suhbat Misol: "You can start a new chat with your contacts." 2. Message O‘qilishi: /ˈmesɪdʒ/ Tarjima: Xabar Misol: "I received your message on Telegram." 3. Send O‘qilishi: /sɛnd/ Tarjima: Yuborish Misol: "Click the send button to share the message." 4. Receive O‘qilishi: /rɪˈsiːv/ Tarjima: Qabul qilish Misol: "Did you receive my last message?" 5. Group O‘qilishi: /ɡruːp/ Tarjima: Guruh Misol: "We created a group for our project." 6. Channel O‘qilishi: /ˈʧæn.əl/ Tarjima: Kanal Misol: "You can join our Telegram channel for updates." 7. Notification O‘qilishi: /ˌnəʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ Tarjima: Xabarnoma Misol: "I turned off notifications for this chat." 8. Mute O‘qilishi: /mjuːt/ Tarjima: Ovozni o‘chirish Misol: "You can mute the chat if you don’t want notifications." 9. Join O‘qilishi: /ʤɔɪn/ Tarjima: Qo‘shilish Misol: "Join the group to participate in the discussion." 10. Leave O‘qilishi: /liːv/ Tarjima: Tark etish Misol: "You can leave the chat anytime." 11. Forward O‘qilishi: /ˈfɔːrwəd/ Tarjima: Yuborish (uzatish) Misol: "Please forward this message to others." 12. Delete O‘qilishi: /dɪˈliːt/ Tarjima: O‘chirish Misol: "You can delete the message after sending it." 13. Sticker O‘qilishi: /ˈstɪkər/ Tarjima: Stiker Misol: "Send me a funny sticker." 14. Call O‘qilishi: /kɔːl/ Tarjima: Qo‘ng‘iroq Misol: "Let’s make a Telegram voice call." 15. Block O‘qilishi: /blɒk/ Tarjima: Bloklash Misol: "You can block someone if they send unwanted messages." 16. Unblock O‘qilishi: /ʌnˈblɒk/ Tarjima: Blokdan chiqarish Misol: "I had to unblock him to start chatting again." 17. Bot O‘qilishi: /bɒt/ Tarjima: Bot (avtomatik dastur) Misol: "This Telegram bot helps you find information quickly." 18. Admin O‘qilishi: /ˈædmɪn/ Tarjima: Administrator Misol: "Only the admin can change the group’s settings." 19. Edit O‘qilishi: /ˈɛdɪt/ Tarjima: Tahrirlash Misol: "You can edit your message within a limited time." 20. Poll O‘qilishi: /pəʊl/ Tarjima: So‘rovnoma Misol: "Let’s create a poll to see what everyone thinks." Bu so‘zlar Telegram foydalanuvchilari tomonidan tez-tez ishlatiladi va ilovaning asosiy funksiyalarini ifodalaydi. ​​​​​➡️@ingliz_tiliuz 
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