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Ded Moroz Ded Moroz AKA "Grandfather Frost" is a god of Winter and a gift giver on New Years during the period of Koleda. He is also considered a Wizard of Winter and Frost. He is sometimes considered to be related to a variety of obscure weather deities while others claim he is tied to Morozko, a Slavic Hero and Blacksmith of Ice and cold. When he delivers gifts he rides in a Russian Troika pulled by 3 horses. He is accompanied by his Grand Daughter the Snow Maiden. He was banned by the Soviets for being a "Children's God" but quickly made a resurgence. Like many Yule gift givers he has been fused with Santa Claus, though a movement to return him to his Slavic Roots has taken form and one such version a Cossack style Ded Moroz complete with a sword has sprung up. -TLK
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