حزب مشروطه ايران - ليبرال دمكرات

Логотип телеграм канала حزب مشروطه ايران - ليبرال دمكرات
1,47 тыс.
9 тыс.
9,22 тыс.
3,25 тыс.
حزب مشروطه ايران ، اولين حزب راست ميانه، بمنظور برقرارى ليبرال دمكراسى در ایران بر پايه اعلاميه جهانى حقوق بشر بنيان نهاده شده است. پیام گیر حزب @PayamCPIParty https://irancpi.net [email protected] +1.213.570.9886 Instagram.com/irancpi
Joint statement of The Constitutional Party of Iran (Liberal Democrat) and Institute for Voices of Liberty in support of statement issued by a group of the personnel of the Armed Forces inside Iran

We, the undersigned, reflecting the voices of freedom seeking people of Iran, Iranians who have rejected and denounced the entirety of the institution of the Islamic Republic and its constitution and; in solidarity with the workers who have
risen in protest to the ineptitude, institutionalized corruption, kleptocracy and ill will of the Islamic Republic which is the root cause of their grievance
