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After more than a decade, Julian Assange has finally returned to Australia. As Julian begins to adjust to freedom, surrounded by family, we're creating a special welcome home card—one that includes you, because you've always been a part of this journey. You've stood with Julian through it all, achieving the impossible against overwhelming odds. Now, as he takes these first private moments to heal, we're creating a space for his most dedicated supporters—you among them—to be present in this deeply personal moment. This is your opportunity to: - Welcome Julian home to Australia - Offer strength and comfort for the road ahead - Thank him for his courage and sacrifice - Share your personal words of support For years, Julian's communications were censored. Now, your words will reach him directly. This is your chance to say thank you, welcome home, and share what's in your heart. How to Participate: 1. Use the form below to write your message 2. Keep it brief—aim for a few sentences or a short paragraph 3. Be personal, be heartfelt, be you Your words matter. They're a reminder of the community that stood by Julian through his darkest hours and celebrates his return home. Now, share your message and be part of this historic homecoming. https://www.action.assangecampaign.org.au/message-julian
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
Love Center - Dating, Friends & Matches, NY, LA, Dubai, Global
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