👑 iPhone 16 PRO MAX 1TB(港版/HK) 可选颜色:黑色/原色/沙漠金/白色钛金属
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴四种全新颜色,从黑色钛金属到最新的沙漠钛金属 Four striking colors, from Black Titanium to new Desert Titanium 🔴有史以来最大的 iPhone 显示屏,最薄的边框 iPhone 16 Pro Max has largest iPhone display ever 🔴5级钛金属机身,坚固耐用 Premium Grade 5 titanium is exceptionally durable
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴全新相机系统,轻松拍出完美照片 New camera system.Go to great lengths to get the perfect shot. 🔴A18 芯片,超快,超级聪明 A18 chip.Superfast. Supersmart 🔴五种鲜艳的颜色,从黑色到群青色 iPhone 16 comes in five vibrant colors, from black to ultramarine.
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴四种全新颜色,从黑色钛金属到最新的沙漠钛金属 Four striking colors, from Black Titanium to new Desert Titanium 🔴更大的6.3 英寸Super Retina XDR 显示屏 iPhone 16 Pro has 6.3-inch Super Retina XDR displays 🔴5级钛金属机身,坚固耐用 Premium Grade 5 titanium is exceptionally durable
👑 iPhone 16 PRO MAX 1TB(国行/CN) 可选颜色:黑色/原色/沙漠金/白色钛金属
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴四种全新颜色,从黑色钛金属到最新的沙漠钛金属 Four striking colors, from Black Titanium to new Desert Titanium 🔴有史以来最大的 iPhone 显示屏,最薄的边框 iPhone 16 Pro Max has largest iPhone display ever 🔴5级钛金属机身,坚固耐用 Premium Grade 5 titanium is exceptionally durable
👑大疆无人机 MAVIC 3 PRO (组合套餐) DJI Mavic 3 Pro (combo package)
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴DJI Mavic 3 Pro特有的三摄系统,开启无人机摄影新时代 The DJI Mavic 3 Series features next-level imaging performance 🔴搭载哈苏相机,摄影细节更丰富 Hasselblad Camera,Artistry From Every Angle 🔴续航更上一层楼,提供长达 43 分钟的飞行时间 Mavic 3 Pro provides up to 43 minutes of flight time 👍礼品编号|Gift Code:L59
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴设计独特,外形赏心悦目,极简风格杰作 Beosound A9's iconic shape is designed to be displayed,it's a minimalistic masterpiec 🔴震撼音效,七个驱动单元提供震撼有力的音效,音符清晰动听 Seven custom-built drivers deliver exceptional detai 👍礼品编号|Gift Code:L58
👑ipad Pro 13-inch(512G/M4) WIFI+蜂窝数据版本|WIFI+cellular data Version
👍独特亮点|Gift Features 🔴全新M4芯片,性能强劲 Entirely new M4 chip, powerful performance 🔴配备Liquid视网膜显示屏,峰值亮度高达1,600尼特 Equipped with Liquid Retina screen, brightness up to 1,600 nits 🔴WIFI+5G两种上网方式,自由切换 Two available methods for internet access: WIFI + 5G
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴吹干、直发,一步到位,避免热伤害 No hot plates. No heat damage.A new way to straighten hair. 🔴吹顺自然卷发,轻松造型 For a natural straight shiny finish 👍礼品编号|Gift Code:L56
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴独家 SenseIQ技术, 为您提供个性化护理 Exceptional care personalized to you with SenseIQ 🔴声波刷洗,有效清洁牙菌斑 Sonic brushing:A masterclass in effective cleaning
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴坚固的可骑行行李箱,可承载110 公斤 A Sturdy Rideable Suitcase with a 110kg Load Capacity 🔴人体工学骑行设计,体验舒适性和安全性 Experience Comfort and Safety with Riding Design 🔴配备双 USB 端口,让您的设备随时随地充电 Keeps your devices charged on the go
👍独特亮点|Item Features 🔴迄今最强大的芯片,不点屏幕就能操控 Apple Watch Best chip performance, control Watch without touching the screen 🔴亮度提升至两倍的显示屏,最高可达 2,000 尼特 Brightness is doubled on the display screen, a maximum of 2,000 nits
👑Iphone 15 Pro港版(512GB)原色 /白色 Iphone 15 Pro HK Version (512GB)
👍独特亮点|Item Highlights 🔴A17 Pro芯片,全球首发3nm制程 First 3nm process A17 Pro chip in Iphone history 🔴4,800万像素摄像头 ,支持3倍变焦 Equipped with 48M-pixel camera, supports 3x zoom as well 🔴航空级钛金属机身,坚固轻盈 Aerospace titanium alloy body, durability and lightweight
👍独特亮点|Item Features 🔴强硬坚固,轻盈的钛金属表壳,带来巅峰性能表现 Sturdy, lightweight titanium watch case, brings out prime performance 🔴Apple Watch 最大最亮显示屏,3,000 尼特峰值亮度 Biggest and brightest screen in Apple Watch history, brightness up to 3,000 nits 🔴支持最深 40 米的休闲浮潜、上山下海无所不能 Supports snorkeling at depths of up to 40 meters