✧ ٠ ٠ 𝓒elestial entrance of amaranths effervescent pulsating veince toward delta. O spectacular luminously lights crossing dark hour of fate night. Appearance of her jewels and gems if state, a beckoning spirit of gladness seemed afloat that lightly danced in laughing air before souls, the earth was all in tune, and the mortals a note of nature's euphoria chorus.
This splendifrous ancient palace led by wayward of shadow casts,
established happiness for folks.
𝓤pon this grandeur palace, ever bewitched by fabulous line in
fascinated lady, highlighting implication of pulchritudinous beauty to ascertain
lavish pillars. By delightful satisfaction of this golden palace that established
masterpieces inside it, herewith desire the most essential Goddess that stand behind every souls, spread her mellifluous aurora by her fascinating eyes.
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