kakakk, i feel something deep for you, something more than "i love you". ga ngerti cara ungkapin nya gimana, you are the rays of sunshine that Illuminate my day. kehadiran kamu di hidup aku adalah anugerah yang ga pernah aku bayangkan sebelumnya, and i feel so lucky to share the world with you, i love you. setiap waktuku sama kakak, ada kekaguman yang ga pernah pudar, it's like i'm always finding something new and beautiful in you. thank you for your kind response and appresiate, kamu selalu bisa kasih respon yang baik waktu aku cerita banyak hall meskipun itu ga penting sekalipun. thank you for everything.
i am so greatful to have met such an amazing person such as yourself and you mean the absolute world to me i am so glad to have met you and i hope that i never lose you. you are so absolutely amazing and you make me smile and laugh so much and i hope you know that and i WANT you to know and remember that every single day i love you so goddamn much and i am so scared everyday that i might lose such an amazing person like yourself i love you!!! SOO!!!! MUCH!!!!!!!!
"Thank you for being the one person who understood me when no one else did. Thank you for keeping my trust when everyone else broke it. Thank you for making me laugh when no one could make me smile. Thank you for holding me while I cry when everyone else abandoned me. Thank you for being the one I fell in love with."