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There is one thing for sure we don't support: SHELL Shell abandons 2035 emissions target and weakens 2030 goal https://archive.is/FAS1o and NORWAY INVESTING MONEY DONE WITH OIL MAFIA IN SHELL! https://t.center/OilCompaniesTelegram/237 Just a shame for 🇳🇴 and a shame for shell! Norway is far away from being a perfect country, so not like many are saying! no matter if related to criminality or climate or or or! There are many cool things, but there are even different 💩 behind Norway, like exactly in all countries! if you don't keep 🙈 Now let we exclude some 💩 laws (mostly in favour to criminals!), salmon farm etc. that we talked in the past. Norge har et skattesystem hvor staten dekker 90 prosent av investeringskostnadene til nye felt https://perma.cc/U4CJ-T2TZ Norway has a tax system where the state covers 90 percent of the investment costs for new fields NORGE MÅ PRODUSERE FORDI VI HAR DEN RENESTE OLJEN 🤡 https://t.center/MissionWillowProject/241 https://t.center/MissionWillowProject/224 Yes and No! In Norway, almost 99% of the total electrical power demand is generated through hydropower https://t.center/EnergyFactsTelegram/365 https://t.center/EnergyFactsTelegram/275 Thus, energy demand in buildings and industry is primarily met by energy produced from renewable sources, nevertheless, there are other sectors which still depend on fossil fuels and contribute to CO2 emissions (see figure 1) Net zero refers to a state in which the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are balanced by removal out of the atmosphere https://perma.cc/4Y83-2ZAE Are we on track to reach net zero by 2050? No, commitments made by governments to date fall far short of what is required https://perma.cc/8ZZ7-EUKV STOPP NEDBYGGINGEN AV SÅRBAR NORSK NATUR - STOP THE DESTRUCTION OF VULNERABLE NORWEGIAN NATURE https://perma.cc/U7AE-GKQJ
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