10 motivi per dire NO alla pena di morte - One to one with Amnesty Italia Part 10 - World day (against) pro death penalty
Part 1
O simplemente hurtando, como en el caso del francés Nicolas Claux, sentenciado en 1994, quien se desempeñaba como empleado en el hospital parisino de St. Joseph, donde tenía acceso a los cadáveres, a los que profanaba para posteriormente consumar el acto antropofágico en su hogar.
Or simply stealing, as in the case of the Frenchman Nicolas Claux, sentenced in 1994, who worked as an employee at the Parisian hospital of St. Joseph, where he had access to the corpses, which he desecrated and later carried out the anthropophagic act in his home.
What is still interesting, is the fact that Nicolas is saying "finding a job is shit!, so i started with ..." and this aspect should never get forgot by Amnesty, because in this case he found an alternative way ... WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER PEOPLE?
That get refused after prison and maybe restart their criminal lifestyle ...
Remember is not like being innocent and after release you are a millionaire ...
So better to keep in prison for life / kill an "healed criminal" or having a criminal on the streets? who can still continue to kill / rape or whatever ...
Now this is our OPINION, because no scientific study can answer such questions!, we find much better the first option, even if we consider the amount of death people ... YES, BECAUSE IT'S EVEN ABOUT THAT!
but no one is considering all indirect victims, like it happened with Prison Break Tv Show ...
We are not talking about Saw, where the dude with a stupid math formula selected who should get help or not, and in this case Jigsaw got refused ...! In this case Jigsaw was an innocent (if he was not a killer ...). We are talking about criminals!
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