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✅ #CTK 13.69% within 3 Days 19 Hours 11 Minutes
✅ #MOVE 43.85% within 5 Days 16 Hours 7 Minutes
✅ #STG 29.0% within 16 Hours 8 Minutes
✅ #MDT 13.33% within 6 Days 1 Hours 5 Minutes
✅ #AGLD 13.66% within 4 Days 0 Hours 8 Minutes
✅ #VIB 44.32% within 4 Days 10 Hours 17 Minutes
✅ #STPT 27.66% within 6 Days 17 Hours 12 Minutes
✅ #PHA 34.73% within 1 Days 12 Hours 59 Minutes
✅ #POND 30.0% within 6 Days 22 Hours 35 Minutes
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