Postmarks: Odds + Ends — are dropped! Go to to check out your piece of art 🖐
One more thing. In addition to the main drop
Postmarks: Odds + Ends in Pearls, a new collection is being launched —
Odds + Ends: Embodied. The first person to buy an NFT at the auctions through will receive the original painting directly from the collection's
author. We will ship the paintings anywhere in the world!
Why? Because this is exquisite and profound art. It deserves to find its owners, true connoisseurs of art, discerning collectors dedicated to the mastery of brushes, paints, engravings, wax, and existential reflection on canvas.
- The collection consists of only 9 NFTs, corresponding to the number of original works from Postmarks: Odds + Ends.
- 2 NFTs have already found their owners, and they will not be up for auction (but who knows, maybe the owners will accept your offers to buy them?)
- Win the auction with the highest bid on
- Receive the original painting
Secondary sales will not provide the unique opportunity to own the original art. Only the first ones will be the first.
Enjoy. Collect. Obey.
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