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@Artages and you can’t cancel your order once you make one.
˖°꒰. Artages is only accepting payment in advance and it must be done through QRIS [all e-wallet, without any rate] as a payment.
˖°꒰. A processing will take 7×24h as a maximum time, but we will try as quick as we can. You might as well ask for an in-rush order if you want to be prioritized.
˖°꒰. A revision only allowed in about twice for a minor revisions, other than that, you will get charged more fee.
˖°꒰. We suggest the photos are from buyer, but if it’s from seller, you can't ask a revision for the photo column. (You will get an additional fee if you still want to do a revision for the photos.)
˖°꒰. A paid photos such as Phoning, PM IZ*ONE, Bubble Lysn, Fancafe, Fansite, Scan and others are prohibited.
˖°꒰. We accept 2d characters, but with terms that the picture must be from buyer.